How to Cycling in the Rain?

Matt Coben
3 min readNov 15, 2022


If you’re planning on cycling in the rain, you need to consider a few essential things. One of the first things you need to do is keep your hands and feet warm. Cold hands and feet can be extremely uncomfortable to ride with. They lose agility, making it difficult to shift gears and apply brakes. Additionally, your feet can get incredibly wet, making it difficult to maintain control of the bike. To prevent this from happening, wear water-resistant gloves and booties.

While cycling in rainy weather can be challenging, there are ways to stay safe and enjoy the experience. First, ensure the right gear, such as mudguards and waterproof clothing. You should also slow down if possible since the rain can cover road hazards and make visibility difficult.

Second, wear reflective gear, especially on your legs and ankles. Rainy weather can make metal surfaces slick, and you’ll want to stay clear of these surfaces to avoid an accident. This includes road signs and train tracks, which can also be slippery. Lastly, take extra care when riding on painted surfaces.

Avoiding puddles when cycling in wet weather is crucial because they can contain deep ruts that can throw you off balance and damage your bike. Puddles can also hide other hazards, such as manhole covers and painted lines. Keeping an eye out for these hazards will help you stay on your bike and avoid an accident.

When cycling in the rain, look over your shoulder for any puddles. Most standing water collects close to the curb, so only ride through it if you can see the bottom of it. In addition, riding through standing water can cause a puncture, and no cyclist enjoys repairing a puncture. Wet roads also wash up more muck; a wet tire picks up more of this.

Using rim brakes when cycling in rain can be challenging. Rain is hard on metal rims and can degrade the brake pads more quickly than dry rims. It is best to slow down before the rain begins and start braking before it reaches your boundaries.

Rim brakes also increase stopping distance. Rim brakes are adequate for a recreational cyclist, but they need to be more powerful for serious performance riders. A rider descending steep hills at high speed will need a better brake system. Moreover, rim brakes can get overheated if you apply force. As a result, the braking power will be less effective.

Disc brakes are more effective in the rain than rim brakes. However, rim brakes are also effective in the shower if you take the time to feather them. This process removes excess water from the rims, which helps you brake more efficiently. Moreover, you should ensure that your chain and other bike components are lubricated to prevent corrosion.

Layering is a great way to combat the elements while cycling, as it will allow you to keep your body temperature moderated. Unlike single-layer clothing, layers are also designed to keep you dry, as each layer will wick away sweat from your skin and retain water and wind. The key is to layer appropriately for each weather condition.

When cycling in the rain, it is essential to make sure that you wear appropriate clothing. Rain can cause wear and tear on your bike, so it is best to protect it from the elements. It is also advisable to prepare your bike for frequent maintenance.



Matt Coben

Matt Coben is an experienced professional who has demonstrated numerous skills in a wide variety of areas.